Enhanced Compat Mode: Optimizing IV Medication Management and Streamlining the Process of Creating Infusion Compatibility Groupings


Try out here: https://www.marksescon.com/ecm-main.

Patients in the ICU often require multiple simultaneous infusions, making drug compatibility critical. Enhanced Compat Mode operates through a straightforward interface where users select medications from a predefined list. The algorithm evaluates these selections against a compatibility dataset and iteratively forms optimized groupings, ensuring no incompatibilities arise. Results are presented in an intuitive table, clearly showing which medications can be grouped together, with the goal of utilizing the fewest lumens possible. Powered by JavaScript and leveraging an external JSON compatibility database, the web app is fully expandable and can be updated dynamically to accommodate new medications or guidelines, making it a future-proof solution for evolving clinical needs.


If you are not interested in the innerworkings of the algorithm, you can skip this part.


  1. Input Collection: The user selects all the medications the patient is receiving, categorized dynamically into primary and secondary infusions based on metadata.

  2. Behavior Selection: The user chooses between Stacked Mode and Separated Mode for secondary infusions:

    • Stacked Mode: Secondary infusions can share a lumen even if incompatible with each other, as long as they are compatible with the primary infusion.

    • Separated Mode: Secondary infusions are separated into different lumens if they are incompatible with each other.

  3. Compatibility Evaluation: Using the compatibility dataset, the algorithm checks:

    • Primary Compatibility: Ensures all infusions in a group are compatible with the primary infusion.

    • Secondary Handling: In Stacked Mode, secondary infusions are only checked for compatibility with the primary. In Separated Mode, all infusions in the same group must be compatible with each other.

  4. Strict Compatibility Mode (if enabled): If Strict Mode is active, only medications with well-established compatibility (highest evidence) are grouped, excluding conditional or uncertain pairings.

  5. Grouping Process: The algorithm iterates through the selected medications to create groups:

    • Prioritizes grouping medications with the most compatibility.

    • Non-secondary infusions are limited to three per group.

    • Secondary infusions in Stacked Mode can exceed the three-per-lumen rule if compatible with the primary.

  6. Output Generation: The algorithm generates optimized groupings, displaying each group with its assigned infusions. It minimizes the number of lumens used while respecting compatibility constraints.

Compatibility information was garnered from Lexicomp and Stabilis. Those combinations with confirmed compatibility are scored 2; those with conditional compatibility are scored 1; and all else (incompatible and untested) are scored 0.

JSON and Scalability

Compatibility data from Lexicomp and Stabilis is converted into a spreadsheet, which is then converted into a data matrices.

The JSON structure in Enhanced Compat Mode transforms raw compatibility datasheets into a dynamic and actionable format. Compatibility data, typically presented as rows and columns in datasheets, is converted into a nested JSON structure, effectively creating a matrix. Each medication becomes a key, with its compatibility with other medications stored as subkeys and corresponding values.

For example:

This format enables the algorithm to quickly evaluate compatibility relationships without manual lookups.

The metadata` section enhances scalability by providing additional context for each medication, such as its category (e.g., Sedatives, Secondaries) and aliases. This allows the app to dynamically group medications and display user-friendly names. Adding a new medication is as simple as including it in the `metadata` and `compatibility` sections, ensuring seamless integration into the UI and algorithm.

The separation of metadata and compatibility makes updates modular and efficient. New medications or changes to compatibility guidelines require only localized updates to the JSON file, without altering the core functionality of the app.

This scalability ensures that Enhanced Compat Mode remains adaptable to evolving clinical practices and datasets.

Philosophical Considerations

The Conditional Compatibility Dilemma

The original compatibility dataset, sourced from Lexicomp and Stabilis, included not only binary outcomes (compatible or incompatible) but also conditional compatibilities—pairings that might work under specific circumstances. I initially introduced a scoring system to account for these conditional interactions, assigning values of 0 (incompatible), 1 (conditionally compatible), and 2 (fully compatible). The algorithm prioritized groupings with the least contention, aiming for configurations that were both compatible and stable.

However, as I progressed, I realized this approach added unnecessary complexity. Clinicians prioritize clarity and actionable results over navigating gray areas. Conditional compatibility often depends on variables like drug concentration, infusion rate, or compounding agents, which are rarely captured in static datasets. Without this context, the scoring system risked creating false confidence and undermining the tool’s practicality. Additionally, the distinction between “conditionally compatible” and “fully compatible” rarely impacted real-world groupings.

This realization led to Strict Compatibility Mode, which focuses exclusively on well-established, evidence-based compatibility. By eliminating ambiguity, this mode simplifies decision-making and ensures the tool remains reliable, intuitive, and aligned with the needs of clinicians.

Secondaries: To Be or Not to Be…Treated as Continuous Infusions?

Secondary infusions, like intravenous piggybacks (IVPB), are typically intermittent rather than continuous, which changes compatibility dynamics. To accommodate this, the tool introduces Stacked and Separated modes:

  • Stacked Mode: Secondary infusions can share a lumen even if incompatible with each other, provided they are compatible with the primary infusion. This assumes secondaries won’t run simultaneously, allowing them to “break” the three-per-lumen rule. For example, magnesium sulfate and potassium phosphates, which are incompatible with each other but compatible with vasopressin, can share the same lumen if administered at different times.

  • Separated Mode: Secondary infusions expected to run simultaneously are grouped into separate lumens. This ensures incompatible secondaries are never mixed, prioritizing safety. For instance, a patient requiring multiple antibiotics and electrolytes administered at the same time would benefit from this mode.

These modes provide flexibility to reflect real-world practices while maintaining safety.


While the tool offers significant benefits, limitations remain. It does not account for central venous access requirements or prioritize infusions based on clinical urgency. It also assumes all secondaries pair with a single primary (e.g., Normal Saline), without addressing scenarios involving multiple primaries. Additionally, it cannot enforce institution-specific policies, such as dedicated lumens for TPN or lipids. These limitations underscore the importance of clinical judgment in complex cases.

Future Synergy with DripMap

Enhanced Compat Mode is an offshoot of DripMap, a tool designed to visually map infusion setups. Future integration will combine compatibility optimization with visual mapping to create a comprehensive solution for IV management, dubbed FlowMatrix. Challenges like accounting for medication aliases (e.g., Levophed vs. Norepinephrine) highlight the importance of bridging technical precision with clinical usability. By addressing these gaps, the tool aims to offer clinicians an intuitive, end-to-end solution for managing complex infusion setups.

Flowchart for FlowMatrix.


This project illustrates the delicate balance between technological innovation and practical clinical application. By evolving from a complex scoring system to a streamlined, evidence-based approach, Enhanced Compat Mode prioritizes clarity and usability, making it a valuable tool for optimizing IV management. While limitations remain, the lessons learned lay the foundation for future iterations, ensuring the tool continues to grow alongside the needs of clinicians and patients.

Staff Assign: Automating Nurse Assignments


This project automates nurse staffing assignments in an ICU by integrating patient acuity, pod constraints, device rotation, and leadership roles into a unified system. Built using Google Apps Script (JavaScript), the solution processes data from a Google Sheets setup comprising a “Manifest” of patient data and a “Staff” roster to create a fair distribution of patients to nurses for each shift. For scalability, the project was initially tested on a "playground" unit consisting of two leadership roles—a charge nurse and a resource nurse—and a maximum of eight bedside nurses caring for approximately 16 patients.

The formation of this program was heavily inspired by the way football and soccer teams create their lineups to take the field. Just as coaches strategically assign players to positions based on their strengths, roles, and the dynamics of the game, this system seeks to do the same with nurse staffing assignments. Each nurse, like a player, brings unique skills and experience to the team, and the goal is to position them where they can perform at their best while maintaining balance across the unit. This approach mirrors the careful planning required to create a lineup that not only meets immediate demands but also adapts to the fluidity and unpredictability of the game—or, in this case, the ICU shift.

The “challenge” to make this program was presented to me by my coworker. The code was initially written in Python, inspired by Automate the Boring Stuff with Python by Al Sweigart and heavily informed by Chapter 15 and 16 from Henry Petroski’s To Engineer Is Human: The Role of Failure in Successful Design, and utilized Microsoft Excel for data handling. However, due to implementation challenges and compatibility issues, transitioning to a Google Sheets script proved to be the most practical solution. I leveraged Claude and Bard/Gemini to assist in converting my Python code into JavaScript, ensuring a smooth adaptation to the Google Apps Script environment.

These are the Rules

Patient rooms are numbered 301 to 316 and divided into two pods: Pod A (rooms 301–308) and Pod B (rooms 309–316). Nurses must be assigned to a single pod, meaning a nurse caring for a patient in Pod A cannot also care for a patient in Pod B. The standard nurse-to-patient ratio is 1:2 but becomes 1:1 for high-acuity patients. These high-acuity cases include patients with devices such as IABP, Impella, CRRT, TTM, LVAD, or Rotoprone. They also encompass patients requiring constant care for reasons such as psych/behavioral issues, stroke with thrombolytic treatment, or “imminent death.” For this model, Psych 1:1 and other high-acuity assignments are treated synonymously. Patients requiring these "Needs" are only assigned one nurse, prohibiting dual assignments. COVID patients are not given special considerations in this version of the system.

There is also the concept of a "Suboptimally Utilized Nurse," or SUN. In the context of this automated staff assignment system, a SUN refers to a nurse assigned to only one patient, not due to the patient's high acuity, but simply because no other patients are available within their assigned pod. The current iteration of the script does not address SUNs and is touched upon later in this blog under Bugs. 

Some patients may have multiple devices (e.g., Impella with CRRT), though certain combinations, such as IABP with Impella, are prohibited. To ensure fairness, the system maintains a "device dates" log to track the last time each nurse cared for patients with specific devices or high-acuity needs, rotating assignments equitably among staff. Each patient is assigned an acuity score, which the script uses to distribute workload evenly across nurses within each pod. Leadership roles, such as charge or resource nurses, cannot simultaneously serve as preceptors to avoid conflicts in responsibility.

Demo video.

The Set Up

The Google Sheets implementation includes two key tabs: “Staff” and “Manifest.” The “Staff” tab lists nurse-specific data, including names, qualifications (e.g., eligibility to serve as charge or resource), and "device dates" for tracking prior assignments. While all nurses qualified to serve as charge (C) can also serve as resource (R), the reverse is not always true. Ancillary roles like Code Nurse are noted but do not directly influence patient assignments. Device-specific headers start in Row 1 (Cell D1), with subsequent rows logging the dates of each assignment.

Info contained on the staff tab. All names are completely fictional.

The “Manifest” tab functions as a bed roster, detailing room numbers, acuity scores, and specific care needs. High-acuity patients are flagged as requiring single-nurse assignments. Designations such as "NO" indicate unoccupied beds, while "OTA" marks beds open for admission, allowing nurses to be assigned to these rooms.

Manifest that indicates patient acuity and “Needs.”

The script processes this data to generate nurse-patient assignments that adhere to patient-specific needs, workload balancing, pod constraints, and device rotation. The output is presented in a clear, table-based format, with one column for room numbers and another for assigned nurse names. Each row corresponds to a specific room, providing a structured and efficient overview of nurse assignments for the shift.

Output showing the staff assignment. Note how the rooms that are not open, 308 and 316, do not have a nurse assigned to them.

Output showing the staff assignment. Note how the rooms that are not open, 308 and 316, do not have a nurse assigned to them.

The Script

The following section is background behind the code that I used. You can skip over if you have no interest in learning about the machinations behind the script.

1. Create or Clear the Output Sheet

The script checks for the presence of an "Assignments" sheet. If it doesn’t exist, it creates one; if it does, it clears its contents to prepare for new data.

let outputSheet = ss.getSheetByName("Assignments");
if (!outputSheet) {
  outputSheet = ss.insertSheet("Assignments");

2. Read Staff Data

This chunk reads the "Staff" sheet, captures headers, and identifies columns corresponding to various devices (e.g., IABP, Impella) for tracking nurse assignments.

const staffData = staffSheet.getDataRange().getValues();
const staffHeaders = staffData[0];
let deviceColIndex = {};
for (let col = 3; col < staffHeaders.length; col++) {
  const deviceName = staffHeaders[col];
  if (deviceName) {
    deviceColIndex[deviceName] = col;

3. Build Nurse Objects

Each nurse is represented as an object with details like their qualifications, assigned rooms, acuity total, and device dates. This prepares the data for assignment logic.

let nurseList = [];
for (let r = 1; r < staffData.length; r++) {
  const row = staffData[r];
  if (!row[0]) continue;
  let nurseObj = {
    name: row[0],
    canCharge: (row[1] === "C"),
    canResource: (row[1] === "C" || row[1] === "R"),
    codesPreceptor: row[2],
    deviceDates: {},
    assignedRooms: [],
    assignedAcuityTotal: 0,
    hasHighAcuity: false,
    isChargeOrResource: false
  for (let device in deviceColIndex) {
    let dateVal = row[deviceColIndex[device]];
    nurseObj.deviceDates[device] = dateVal ? new Date(dateVal) : null;

4. Identify Charge and Resource Nurses

This identifies and designates one charge nurse and one resource nurse based on qualifications, marking them as ineligible for bedside assignments.

let chargeNurse = null;
let resourceNurse = null;
for (let n of nurseList) {
  if (!chargeNurse && n.canCharge) {
    chargeNurse = n;
    n.isChargeOrResource = true;
  if (!resourceNurse && n.canResource && !n.isChargeOrResource) {
    resourceNurse = n;
    n.isChargeOrResource = true;
let bedsideNurses = nurseList.filter(n => !n.isChargeOrResource);

5. Read Manifest Data

This section processes the "Manifest" sheet to extract patient room numbers, acuity scores, and specific needs. High-acuity patients are flagged.

const manifestData = manifestSheet.getDataRange().getValues();
let patients = [];
for (let r = 1; r < manifestData.length; r++) {
  const row = manifestData[r];
  let roomNumber = row[0];
  let acuity = row[1];
  let needs = row[2];
  if (!roomNumber || !needs || needs === "NO") continue;
  const highAcuityTags = ["IABP", "Impella", "CRRT", "TTM", "LVAD", "Rotoprone", "HIGH ACUITY", "Psych 1:1"];
  let isHighAcuity = highAcuityTags.includes(needs);
    room: roomNumber,
    acuity: acuity || 0,
    needs: needs,
    isHighAcuity: isHighAcuity,
    isIABP: (needs === "IABP"),
    isImpella: (needs === "Impella")
patients.sort((a, b) => b.acuity - a.acuity);

6. Pod Logic

Helper functions determine if a room belongs to Pod A or Pod B, enforcing the rule that nurses must stay within a single pod.

function roomIsPodA(rm) {
  return rm >= 301 && rm <= 308;
function roomIsPodB(rm) {
  return rm >= 309 && rm <= 316;

7. Check Room Eligibility for Nurses

This function verifies if a nurse can be assigned a specific room based on pod constraints, number of current assignments, and high-acuity limitations.

function canAssignRoom(nurse, roomNumber) {
  if (nurse.hasHighAcuity || nurse.assignedRooms.length >= 2) return false;
  if (nurse.assignedRooms.length === 0) return true;
  let firstRoom = nurse.assignedRooms[0];
  let firstIsPodA = roomIsPodA(firstRoom);
  let newIsPodA = roomIsPodA(roomNumber);
  let firstIsPodB = roomIsPodB(firstRoom);
  let newIsPodB = roomIsPodB(roomNumber);
  if (firstIsPodA && newIsPodA) return true;
  if (firstIsPodB && newIsPodB) return true;
  return false;

8. Assign Nurses to Patients

Patients are assigned nurses based on their needs, starting with high-acuity cases. Nurses are selected using device rotation or workload balancing logic.

for (let p of patients) {
  let chosenNurse = null;
  if (p.isHighAcuity) {
    if (p.isIABP) {
      chosenNurse = findBestNurseForDevice(bedsideNurses, "IABP", p.room);
    } else if (p.isImpella) {
      chosenNurse = findBestNurseForDevice(bedsideNurses, "Impella", p.room);
    } else if (["CRRT", "TTM", "LVAD", "Rotoprone"].includes(p.needs)) {
      chosenNurse = findBestNurseForDevice(bedsideNurses, p.needs, p.room);
    } else {
      chosenNurse = findBestNurseNormal(bedsideNurses, p.room);
  } else {
    chosenNurse = findBestNurseNormal(bedsideNurses, p.room);

  if (chosenNurse) {
    chosenNurse.assignedAcuityTotal += p.acuity;
    if (p.isHighAcuity) {
      chosenNurse.hasHighAcuity = true;
    if (deviceColIndex[p.needs] !== undefined) {
      chosenNurse.deviceDates[p.needs] = new Date();

9. Prepare Final Output

This aggregates all assignments, including leadership roles, and writes them to the "Assignments" sheet in a clear, tabular format.

let allAssigned = [];
for (let n of bedsideNurses) {
  for (let rm of n.assignedRooms) {
    allAssigned.push({ room: rm, nurse: n.name });
allAssigned.sort((a, b) => parseInt(a.room) - parseInt(b.room));
let rowIndex = 1;
outputSheet.getRange(rowIndex, 1).setValue("Leadership Role");
outputSheet.getRange(rowIndex, 2).setValue("Assigned Nurse");
if (chargeNurse) {
  outputSheet.getRange(rowIndex, 1).setValue("Charge Nurse");
  outputSheet.getRange(rowIndex, 2).setValue(chargeNurse.name);
if (resourceNurse) {
  outputSheet.getRange(rowIndex, 1).setValue("Resource Nurse");
  outputSheet.getRange(rowIndex, 2).setValue(resourceNurse.name);
rowIndex += 2;
outputSheet.getRange(rowIndex, 1).setValue("Room");
outputSheet.getRange(rowIndex, 2).setValue("Assigned Nurse");
for (let i = 0; i < allAssigned.length; i++) {
  outputSheet.getRange(rowIndex, 1).setValue(allAssigned[i].room);
  outputSheet.getRange(rowIndex, 2).setValue(allAssigned[i].nurse);


Even with sophisticated algorithms designed to align staff competency with patient needs, automated staff assignment programs have inherent limitations. One major shortcoming is their inability to account for human factors. These systems often overlook individual preferences, personal circumstances, and interpersonal dynamics within teams. For example, a nurse dealing with personal stress, such as a sick child at home, might need a less demanding shift, or two colleagues with a history of conflict might be assigned to collaborate, reducing efficiency and morale. These subtleties, while critical to a positive work environment, are challenging to capture in an algorithm, potentially leading to dissatisfaction, decreased morale, and even staff turnover.

Another limitation is the system’s difficulty in adapting to real-time changes and unexpected events. A sudden surge in patients, emergency situations, or unforeseen staff absences can disrupt a meticulously pre-planned schedule. While programming for flexibility is possible, automated systems are inherently rigid, which may hinder the rapid adjustments required in dynamic healthcare settings. This rigidity can result in delays in care, uneven workloads, and potential risks to patient safety.

Over-reliance on such automation may undervalue the role of human judgment and intuition. Nurse leaders (charge nurses), with their deep understanding of team dynamics and individual capabilities, bring critical insight that cannot always be replicated by automated systems.

Lastly, resistance from staff can pose significant challenges to implementation. Concerns about job security, loss of control over schedules, and skepticism toward the technology may create apprehension. Successful adoption requires clear communication, comprehensive training, and iterative feedback to address these concerns and ensure that the system benefits both staff and patients.

In many ways, I approached this project as a combination of a Hail Mary, a nuclear option, and a lark. The primary motivation was not necessarily to create staff assignments but to validate them—a way to ensure that assignments were fair, balanced, and aligned with patient needs and nurse competencies. It was born out of necessity during challenging times when the pressure to make quick decisions in high-stakes situations often left little room for reflection or verification.

This program serves as a practical, three-minute solution for moments when the shift is so intense that there’s no time to second-guess or analyze every detail of the assignments. By automating the process, it eliminates the guesswork, providing a structured and reliable framework that can guide decision-making under pressure. While the goal was to bring efficiency and clarity to an often chaotic process, it also carried the weight of being a bold attempt to tackle deeply ingrained inefficiencies in staffing practices.

At the same time, there was an element of curiosity driving this project—an interest in seeing how far automation and algorithms could go in solving such a human-centered problem. This combination of practicality, urgency, and exploration reflects the essence of the program: a tool designed to enhance decision-making, save time, and validate the complex choices nurse leaders make every day in a fast-paced and unpredictable environment.


When attempting to display un-assignable rooms—such as beds with no eligible nurses available—issues arose in the program’s execution. Specifically, rooms flagged as “NNA” (No Nurse Available) did not always display properly, disrupting the clarity of the final output. This bug highlights the challenge of incorporating nuanced exceptions into the assignment algorithm while maintaining a coherent and accurate representation of the staffing situation. Addressing this requires refining how the system processes and outputs unassignable cases to ensure transparency and usability.

Previously, I mentioned the concept of a "Suboptimally Utilized Nurse." When attempting to address this situation, the script would end up "skipping" a room, leaving it unassigned. The bug likely arises from the program's strict pod constraints, the distribution of patient acuity within pods, and the algorithm's lack of explicit awareness of "Suboptimally Utilized Nurse" situations. To address this, the algorithm needs to prioritize 1:2 assignments whenever possible, potentially consider pod flexibility in unavoidable "Suboptimally Utilized Nurse" scenarios, and at least identify and flag these situations in its output for human oversight and adjustment.

Future Considerations

A potential enhancement to the automated staff assignment system is the Strength Score. The Strength Score would be calculated based on a nurse's experience, training, proficiency with medical devices, and ability to serve as a charge, resource, or preceptor. This score would ensure that high-acuity patients are assigned to highly experienced nurses, while lower-acuity patients are assigned to less experienced nurses who can benefit from mentorship opportunities.

Another consideration is how to identify float assignments on the roster. The suggestion is to use "NL" followed by a number to designate float nurses, with "NL" standing for "Non-Local." Finally, the Continuity of Care Feature aims to assign the same nurse to a patient on consecutive shifts when possible. This feature would prioritize continuity while also balancing other factors like patient acuity, nurse workload, and device-heavy patient rotation. If no nurse is available for a given assignment, "NNA" (No Nurse Available) would be displayed.


This project represents a bold step toward leveraging technology to address the complexities of ICU nurse staffing. While the program is not without its challenges, including the inherent limitations of algorithms and the bugs encountered during implementation, it reflects an innovative approach to improving efficiency, fairness, and patient care in a demanding healthcare environment. By combining data-driven automation with future considerations like Strength Scores and Continuity of Care, the system has the potential to evolve into a valuable tool for nurse managers and staff alike. Ultimately, this project is a testament to the importance of innovation, experimentation, and the ongoing pursuit of solutions that balance technical rigor with the human element in healthcare.

Simple Fick/Thermodilution CO/CI Calculator

Note: An updated version of this calculator can be found here.

Disclaimer: This Fick/Thermodilution cardiac output/index calculator is intended for educational purposes only and should not be used as a diagnostic tool or a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Use of this calculator is at your own discretion and risk.

Cardiac Output and Cardiac Index Calculator


Cardiac Output (L/min):

Cardiac Index (L/min/m²):

If you have taken the time to utilize this calculator, I kindly ask that you consider filling out a brief survey.

Your input is incredibly valuable to me and will significantly contribute to the development and enhancement of future projects. Thank you for your participation and support.

"Closure", a short film treatment and script.

I recently took a class on script writing at San Diego City College. The following are from my fiction script titled Closure. The storyline was inspired by Ubiq by Philip K. Dick and written as if I was doing a project for Wong Fu Productions.


In the future, hospice patients are given the opportunity to wear a cybernetic device (Reminiscence) that allows them to traverse their memories and explore their pasts. Many use it to revel in a moment that brought them great joy and others use it to rectify an error from ages ago. Unfortunately, the technology is still limited and users are only allotted the ability to travel to a single event.

Isiah, an elderly man dying from pancreatic cancer, has a final wish of revisiting an incident prior to his wife’s (Grace) death. Present at his side is his estranged daughter, Anna. However, things go awry when the machine malfunctions, and Anna must go into the fading mind of her father to help him confront the greatest mistake he ever made and prevent a Compartmentalization Event from occurring.


Progress Report: Envelope Follower, Voltage Controlled FETS, and the Elusive "Dynamic Power Supply Sag"

...the highlight of this pedal is a unique blown amp feature which provides crackles, compression, gating and eq changes similar to that of a tube amp pushed past it’s (sic) limits...
— Smallsound/Bigsound F- Ovedrive Manual

The Smallsound/Bigsound F- Overdrive has been on the market for some time, and alongside its amazing overdrive pedal, is a highly unique feature: A Crackle/Burst/Threshold system that is an enveloper follower circuit based on the Dr. Quack schematic. The Dr. Quack is an off-shoot of the Dr. Q by Electro-Harmonix. The Dr. Quack was used by The Tone God to create The Punisher, and the Punisher is widely said to be the schematic behind the F- Overdrive’s Crackle/Burst/Threshold (CBT) feature.

Go to 3:35 for demonstration.

The Punisher is a dynamic power supply sag simulator. The Punisher is not an audio effect but a companion effect that is to be used to control another effect to provide new sounds. You plug your audio signal and power supply into Punisher in series and connect the output audio signal and power supply into the effect to be controlled.
— The Tone God, "Punisher"

The envelope follower feeds a control voltage to a JFET, which in turn alters its resistance, producing a voltage-controlled resistor in the process. The JFET is run in series with the power supply to a JFET stage, thus mis-biasing the JFET stage in the process. The resulting sounds is said to emulate that of an amp on the verge of explosion whose tubes wax and wane.

For further reading, I suggest visiting this page and scrolling down to “Driving Effects Circuits with the LFO Waveforms.”

Having built the Smallsound/Bigsound (SSBS) Mini, I started to set my eyes on the SSBS F- Oveddrive. However, I had little clue as to the underworkings of the CBT. Initially I thought the circuit was some sort of phaser/tremolo circuit that altered the volume/output of a specific stage of the SSBS Mini. But I wasn't too sure. Also, pictures of the F- Overdrive PCB did not look anything like a tremolo/phaser circuit. Although, oddly enough, the concepts of JFETs as voltage-controlled resistors (VCRs) is closely associated with phasers.

I began researching the most readily available information out there: It's a voltage-controlled envelope follower circuit. I pulled up schematics for the Glowfly Retroflect and Frantone Vibutron, which features envelope followers affecting FETs. I shot off a few Google searches, which immediately turned up the Dr. Q schematic. Unfortunately, there was very little information about how that particular circuit fit in the CBT. I wish I could say that the subsequent research was streamlined once I aligned the CBT circuit with the Dr. Q schematic, but in reality, I spent quite a few days perusing various forums to no avail. A culmination of 2-3 days of digging deep into forums helped me learn that the envelope follower controlled a "resistor," the resistor was associated with the second stage of the SSBS Mini, and the overall result was the JFET being mis-biased.

Simple enough, right?

A few more hours of Google searching lead me to Reddit where someone used the keywords, "dynamic sag." (Coincidently, I had just completed a LM317-based sag unit.) A few more Google searches lead me to the Pusnisher circuit. Furthermore, if you Google the Punisher circuit, the CBT pops-up alongside it!

I breadboarded the circuit, but I could not get it to function. Furthermore, I found several posts of individuals identifying the Punisher as being a key part of the CBT, but only a handful of people who successfully implemented the circuit: The Tone God, author of the circuit; some random guy on DIYStompboxes; and the mind behind SSBS. After a day of troubleshooting the circuit, I crowdsourced Reddit and DIYStompboxes for assistance.

The key piece missing from the original schematic was just a pair of resistors: The op-amp was not biased! The addition of the transistors allowed the circuit to work. I also experimented/ with and implemented some other changes from forum suggestions and the Dr. Q, which allowed the envelope signal to be much stronger. However, one change that helped was found on accident: I was trying out different biasing resistors and left one resistor in. This made the circuit work much better for reasons I am unsure of.

Schematic with many changes.

And like that, I figured it all out...sort of.

See, I call this "Progress Report" because there are still a few of issues to solve:

  • How to calculate the resistance that is bestowed upon by the VCR/JFET.

  • How to make the circuit smoother as the attack/release is really fast.

  • How to elicit more crackling. I actually did manage to do this when I was using two 1M ohm resistors for biasing, but the envelope signal was not as strong.

  • What the “Heavy/Light” function changes. I think it either changes the electrolytic capacitor attached to red LED or it may be the Attack function seen in the Nurse Quacky.

As for now, this is it.

Left side is the Crackle/Burst/Threshold function. On the right is a dummy unit to test the circuit. The dummy unit based on the Fairfield Circuitry Barbershop, which is like a minimalist SSBS Mini.


  • May 8, 2023: Grammar and spelling errors corrected.